13 November 2008

It's about that time....

for people to start considering their favorite albums o' the year. I will hopefully provide you with a few people's different lists and hopefully you'll check out some of the bands and find one you like. There's a chance these lists could change, so technically they are tentative. But the chance of an album blowing my mind in the next month and a half is slim. Ok. Here's the first one. Enjoy!!

10. Santogold "Santogold"

9. Roisin Murphy "Overpowered"

8. Walter Meego "Voyager"

7. Duffy "Rockferry"

6. MGMT "Oracular Spectacular"

5. Dragonette "Galore" [US Release]

4. Land of Talk "Some Are Lakes"

3. Chromeo "Fancy Footwork" [Deluxe Edition]

2. Obi Best "Capades"

1. Ra Ra Riot "The Rhumb Line"

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